
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Hurray! I can knit

I am so glad I can knit, thanks to guys who posted some good knitting videos on Youtube. I am knitting my first project – A scarf (neck warmer) for my husband and I am glad it is coming up really nice. 
I am using navy blue colour chunky yarn and 5.5mm circular bamboo needles. I casted on 25 stitches which makes it 16cm wide. The pattern I chose is a basic and beautiful garter stitch! 

I finally completed the scarf with little help from my son!

I knitted this neck warmer for my little boy, isn't it nice :)

Here are some of the best videos on youtube for knitting beginners. I taught myself knitting from these videos. All credit goes to the owners of the videos. 

Cast on-

Perl Stitch -

Knit Stitch - 

Garter Stitch -

Neck warmer patterns -


  1. Hi Gazal,

    Congrats for learning a great skills. I learnt knitting 2 years back and now enjoying it thourougly. do visit my blog to see some of my projects! happy knitting.
    alos loved your sewing patterns.

  2. Hi Gazal,

    You have some lovely 'how to' blogs. Very informative and easy to follow. Thank you for your comment too - will defo take up your advice to put up some tutorials on my blog. :) Also congrats on learning Knitting! I hope to learn this skill too and thanks for sharing the you tube videos to learn knitting.


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